Club Activities


The members of the IWCNE get together on the last Saturday of each month at a restaurant. Restaurant locations in NH or ME enable members to enjoy a variety of cuisines and different settings. The Saturday agenda opens with a brief business meeting, followed by the luncheon. Socializing with others at the table allows members to meet new people and learn a bit about other members. As the meal is concluding, the speaker for the month is introduced. Our luncheon speakers provide information on a variety of national and international topics of interest. A question and answer session follows the presentation, after which the meeting is adjourned.


Book Club

The book club meets monthly and has been in existence since our club was first formed. We try to include books with International themes as well as here in the United States. Many longtime friendships have been cemented through the participation in the club.


Les Chanteuses

Singing group which started in 2007 to entertain for the 15th Anniversary party. Since that time the group has sung for a luncheon or two but now primarily entertains for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living 3 or 4 times a month. Always looking for new voices.


Special Trips

Activities IWCNE are cultural in nature with art museums and lunch afterwards. In 2012 the transportation company was dropped due to high fuel costs and participation has declined because no one wants to carpool. Activities are local now with the last trip in Oct. for leaf peeping.


Holiday Party

For the last few years, the Board has invited "all" the members, spouses, companions, etc. to a Holiday Party in an elegant Club for drinks, hors d'oouevres, and Sing Along in early December. Some ladies from one club get to meet other ladies from the French Club that happen to be their neighbors and they never had a chance to meet them til now. Fun for all!


Other Events

Over the years, we have held musical nights, game day, yoga lesson, bridge day and pajama donations for Christmas giving.  

Guests are always welcome for the above activities